Friday, August 17, 2007

Here I am...

Hi my name is Alex and this is my first blog. It's a result of the peer pressure I got from my friends Julie Hibbard and Heather McTaggart. I spent Wed. night with them at Brian's birthday party. Good party, my favorite person was Julie's dad Pete, a real italian, and landscape architect from Lake Forest, but he's got an office in Riverside, close to my mom's place. Not really sure what to say on these things, but Heather's husband Dave says I should write some of my values, and in that spirit, I'll repeat a famous quote that's been on my mind quite a bit lately. If you know anything about Mexican history you have probably already heard of a man named Emiliano Zapata, He is famous for leading the Mexican revolution of 1910. He was a successful general in the army that overthrew the Mexican government at the time, and as a result he helped bring liberty, and justice to people who couldn't defend themselves. I respect him as a great warrior, who fought with spirit and heart, and when all hope seemed lost he won over his disparing soldiers and led them on to victory by saying, "it's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees."